contemporary dance • physical theater • dance theater • art education
In my workshops I seek to connect the body with the emotions of the moment and let them lead you to explore movements, space, fluidity, energy.
I am interested in enabling the possibilities of the body through movements, sequences, turns, games, along with using the voice and conscious body techniques in different creative ways that allow us to achieve originality in our work and in stage performances.

During the work on different sequences and games I ensure we pay attention to energy, space, movement and speed in our dance routines and in our practices for stage performances.

We work on improvisation using breath, speed and energy, involving the central structure of the body crucial in dance, physical theater and combined martial arts.
I am interested in challenging ourselves and decoding movements that we receive from our different formations along with analyzing their cultural, social and anthropological roots.
This will assist us to make decisions about the way we want to position our body both in our daily life as well as in our creative work.
Please contact me to receive more information about my workshops.