[2017] CoLaboratorio DNA/ Pamplona,ES

DNA and Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Huarte organize coLABoratorio DNA, a collaborative creation residency at Centro Huarte from April 29 to June 3, 2017.

For five weeks, seven artists will share space and time to generate collaborative processes from which they will emerge performing actions that will be presented as interference in the dates and spaces of the Festival.

In this residence I developed the interventions in the Arga River and in the Encierro of the city of Pamplona, Spain.

With the participation of: Amalia Herrera (Uruguay), Brisa MP (Chile), Bruno Caracol (Portugal), Inés Aubert (Navarra), Itsaso Iribarren Múñoz (Navarra), Julián Pacomio González (Extremadura) and Maia Villot De Diego (Navarra).

Festival’s link: http://festivaldna.com/2017/colaboratorio-dna/

> Article on Diario de Noticias de Navarra